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What Is Bankruptcy?

Legal Guidance for the OKC Metro

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Your Guide to Legal Debt Relief

Bankruptcy is a legal process for people and businesses who are in serious financial trouble and cannot pay their debts. It's like a financial reset button. When you declare bankruptcy, it can help you get rid of some or all of your debts, but it also means giving up some of your possessions to pay back creditors It's a way to get a fresh start when you are overwhelmed by debt. However, bankruptcy can have long-lasting effects on your credit and financial future, so it's essential to consider it carefully and often consult with a lawyer for guidance.

At Jones Law, we specialize in guiding individuals, businesses, and municipalities in the OKC Metro through various options, including Chapters 7, 9, 11, 12, and 13. Each chapter of bankruptcy has distinct provisions and purposes tailored to different situations. Understanding these chapters is key to choosing the right path for you. Below is an overview of each type, designed to provide clarity and insight into your legal options.

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credit cards

Chapter 7


Chapter 7 bankruptcy is like a financial reset button for individuals and businesses facing overwhelming debt. It works by selling some of your property or assets (though many items are protected) to pay off as much debt as possible. The great thing is that some types of debts can be entirely wiped away, giving you a fresh financial start. This process typically takes a few months, and once it’s done, you’re no longer responsible for most of the debts included in the bankruptcy.

But keep in mind, not all debts can be wiped away — student loans, certain tax obligations and secured loans may remain. However, it is important to note that not everyone qualifies for Chapter 7, and it might not be the best option for everyone.

Navigating Chapter 7's specific implications and eligibility criteria can be tricky, so consulting with a bankruptcy attorney like those at Jones Law in the OKC Metro is wise. We're here to help you understand if this is the right option for your fresh financial start.


Chapter 9


Chapter 9 bankruptcy is a specific type of bankruptcy designed for financially struggling cities, towns, counties, and other municipalities in Oklahoma. It's kind of like a safety net for local governments when they can't pay their bills or manage their debts. When a city or local government files for Chapter 9 bankruptcy, it's essentially saying, "We're having a really tough time financially, and we need some help to get back on our feet."

Now, here's the key thing: Chapter 9 doesn't wipe out the entity's debts like some other types of bankruptcy do for individuals or businesses. Instead, it helps them devise a plan to reorganize their finances and find a way to pay back what they owe over time. This can involve negotiating with creditors, adjusting repayment schedules, or even selling assets. The goal is to help the city regain financial stability to continue providing essential services to its residents without falling deeper into debt.


At Jones Law in the OKC Metro, we're here to support you in navigating these complexities and help your community regain financial footing.

Lawyer and Client Reorganization
Lawyer and Client Reorganization

Chapter 11


Consider Chapter 11 bankruptcy as a financial makeover for many Oklahoma-based businesses. When a company files for Chapter 11, it says, "We're in a financial jam, but we believe in our business and want to keep it going." It's like hitting the pause button on debt payments and allowing the business to reorganize its finances.

During Chapter 11, the business works with the court to create a plan to pay back its debts while continuing to operate. This can involve things like renegotiating payment terms with creditors, selling off non-essential assets, or finding new sources of income. It's like going on a budget and getting financial advice to get back on track. The goal is to keep the business alive and protect jobs while ensuring creditors eventually get their money.


Chapter 12

Family Farmer/Fishermen Reorganization

Chapter 12 bankruptcy is designed to offer a helping hand to family farmers and fishermen in Oklahoma who are facing tough financial times. It's like a special tool in the bankruptcy toolbox just for them. When a family farmer or fisherman files for Chapter 12, they say, "We need some breathing room to sort out our debts and get back on our feet."

Unlike some other forms of bankruptcy, Chapter 12 is tailored to the unique financial challenges faced by folks in agriculture and fishing. It allows them to restructure their debts, make more affordable payment plans, and run their farming or fishing operations. Think of it as a safety net that helps these hardworking families weather financial storms and continue doing what they love.

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financial management

Chapter 13

Individual Reorganization

Chapter 13 bankruptcy is like a financial reset button for individuals and families in Oklahoma who are struggling to manage their debts but still have a steady income. It's like saying, "I need a plan to pay back what I owe, but I need some time and help to do it right."

With Chapter 13, you work with the court and creditors to devise a manageable payment plan. This plan typically spans three to five years, and it's designed to fit your budget. The idea is to give you a fresh start while ensuring your creditors eventually get paid back. It's not about wiping out all your debts like in Chapter 7; it's more about restructuring them in a way that you can handle so you can keep your car, home, and other important assets. It's a lifeline that lets you take control of your financial future and move toward a debt-free life.

Rebuild. Renew. Reclaim Control.

Embarking on the journey towards financial freedom with Jones Law means taking control of your financial destiny. Our dedicated and compassionate approach guides you to a fresh start, relieving the weight of overwhelming debt. 

With our personalized legal guidance, you'll feel the empowerment of making confident decisions, knowing a clear future lies ahead. This is more than a legal process; it's a new beginning, free from financial worry, where bad things don't define good people.